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  • Oregami-News

  • Here everybody can ask questions about our project or present his ideas.
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Here everybody can ask questions about our project or present his ideas.
No special authorization needed to post here!

Moderators: MZ per X, gene

 #37959  by gene
 26 Feb 2014, 22:54
Today I updated Confluence and Jira to the latest version!

Confluence Wiki => 5.1.5 to 5.4
Jira => 5.2 to 6.2

Please inform me if you detect any problems.
 #38078  by Ultyzarus
 27 Jun 2014, 16:56
So, it's been a while since we haven't had any news. I saw that Gene is progressing with the code, but I can't make much of it :P Will we have a beta of sorts, or just something more concrete to try on in the coming year?
 #38080  by gene
 28 Jun 2014, 00:07
Ultyzarus wrote:...Will we have a beta of sorts, or just something more concrete to try on in the coming year?
A beta? :shock:
No sorry, that will (sadly) not happen very soon.
Still working out the technical fundamentals, but getting forward with it.

We are trying to push Oregami as fast as we can. Don't leave this place! :D
 #38083  by Ultyzarus
 28 Jun 2014, 01:54
I'm stopping by every once in a while, but I'm worried a lot of info will be very hard to acquire by the time Oregami is ready...
 #38197  by gene
 22 Jan 2015, 19:26
I updated our Confluence installaton to Version 5.6.6 today because of this security alert.
Everything seems to work fine, but if you see something that does not work please tell me about it!
 #38379  by gene
 30 Oct 2016, 13:19
I made so small updates to the Oregami Website.

The developer page (english / german) has been updated, the "old" system architecture has been removed and I entered some infos about Spring boot, Domain Driven Design and Hexagonal architecture.

@Mz per X:
What about adding IGDB on the links page? Would you mind writing a short info text about it? Would be great! :D
 #38381  by MZ per X
 30 Oct 2016, 21:43
gene wrote:@Mz per X:
What about adding IGDB on the links page? Would you mind writing a short info text about it? Would be great! :D
I wouldn't mind, ya know. :) is a Swedish project trying to recreate the success of the Internet Movie Database ( for games. The guys behind this site seem to have scored some funding which enables them to work full time on it, so the development speed is astounding. They also made their first connections to the gaming industry by introducing verified profiles for gaming professionals. Promising indeed, and not just by the familiar naming, so let's see where this is headed! ist ein schwedisches Projekt, das den Erfolg der Internet Movie Database ( im Bereich der Computer- und Videospiele zu wiederholen versucht. Die Leute hinter dieser Seite scheinen auch Investoren gefunden zu haben, die an den Erfolg des Projekts glauben, sodass sie nunmehr Vollzeit daran arbeiten können, was natürlich eine beeindruckende Entwicklungsgeschwindigkeit erlaubt. Außerdem haben sie ihre ersten Verbindungen zur Spielebranche geknüpft, indem sie geprüfte Profile für Spiele-Profis eingeführt haben. Sehr vielversprechend das alles, und nicht nur durch den vertrauten Namen. Also schauen wir mal, wo die Reise hingeht!
 #38382  by gene
 01 Nov 2016, 11:16
MZ per X wrote:
gene wrote:@Mz per X:
What about adding IGDB on the links page? Would you mind writing a short info text about it? Would be great! :D
I wouldn't mind, ya know. :)
Perfect, thanks!
It's online.
 #38416  by gene
 18 Mar 2017, 01:16
I updated the Oregami Confluence installation to the latest version 6.0.7 (before we had 5.5).
Some major changes happened in the left navigation bar.

I am not sure if the PlantUML plugin is still working. Let's wait and see...

Edit: I updated all confluence plug-ins to the latest version and found the reason why editing pages did not work after the update. The solution was to limit the "collaborative editing" feature a bit. But as we are not editing the same document with more than one person at a time very often, this shouldn't be a problem :wink:
 #38423  by MZ per X
 01 Apr 2017, 12:04
gene wrote:The solution was to limit the "collaborative editing" feature a bit. But as we are not editing the same document with more than one person at a time very often, this shouldn't be a problem :wink:
This obviously prevents me from moving pages around. Can we do something about this?
 #38424  by gene
 01 Apr 2017, 13:15
MZ per X wrote:
gene wrote:The solution was to limit the "collaborative editing" feature a bit. But as we are not editing the same document with more than one person at a time very often, this shouldn't be a problem :wink:
This obviously prevents me from moving pages around. Can we do something about this?
Moving of pages is possible, how did you try to do it?
I do it always with a click on the "three-dots-menu" in the upper right corner when you view a page (next to the "Share" Button), then "View page in hierarchy". That leads you e.g. here. Then you can drag & drop any page to move it to another place in the document hierarchy.
 #38425  by MZ per X
 02 Apr 2017, 10:46
gene wrote:I do it always with a click on the "three-dots-menu" in the upper right corner when you view a page (next to the "Share" Button), then "View page in hierarchy".
This I tried, but my changes aren't saved. I also tried the "Move" command in that submenu, but get the following error:
The following error(s) occurred:

Collaborative editing's offline right now, so we can't move your page. Try again when it's back online.
 #38426  by gene
 02 Apr 2017, 19:02
MZ per X wrote:
gene wrote:I do it always with a click on the "three-dots-menu" in the upper right corner when you view a page (next to the "Share" Button), then "View page in hierarchy".
This I tried, but my changes aren't saved. I also tried the "Move" command in that submenu, but get the following error:
The following error(s) occurred:

Collaborative editing's offline right now, so we can't move your page. Try again when it's back online.
Ugh, didn't know that, sorry.
But it won't be easy to reactivate the "Collaborative editing" feature, it requires (with that new confluence version we have updated to) a new apache version which isn't available for the ubuntu server version we are using.
That means we would have to update the whole operating system :cry:
I will think about it.