Katakis wrote:Well, if by "fun" you mean uploading a description of the game, screenshots, credits, etc., then they would have been slapped in the wiki by the time you read this.
By "fun", I mean researching all the different releases and put them into our data model. The X-Wing series had me up several nights, before I finally understood
its release history.
Katakis wrote:I submitted description, screenshots, and credits for the Secret of Monkey Island (North America). The screenshot have 640x480 resolution, which is strange because the original resolution was 320x200, but Boxer captured it at the 640w resolution. I made that page a 2-column layout, with the right column reserved for any box scans. I don't have the original cover, but I don't know what your stance on using covers from other sources is.
Thanks so far for your efforts, they're really appreciated. As I told Ultyzarus in the FF thread, please just omit pictures for now, as they are not really important at this stage. What's important is researching all the relases of all the games, and put them into the model of G, RG, and R to identify eventual problems.
Katakis wrote:As for the credits, it is a list of exactly what appears in the game/manual; the people involved are MobyLinked for now.
Wow, lots of work.
The people credits we discussed down to the deepest corner cases already in the German forum (with Patrick). I think, we found some good solutions there, so people credits will be one of the early features to get implemented, I hope. Will write an English summary when I find the time.