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Re: tags / categories / groups

PostPosted:17 Dec 2013, 23:02
by MZ per X
Rola wrote:We need a flag for a tag, importance value of sorts, for simple hierarchy. Even major/minor would be enough, I'd say 1-2-3 is max.
Okay, let's discuss this further, as I want to implement game groups / tags next in the data model.

My suggestion would be a simple tag table with title and description. Then, we should add an additional table for hierarchical relationships between tags, like "Comanche" is a child of "Helicopters", which is a child of "Aircraft". Of course, it will be possible for a tag to have more than one parent, and we would define "mother tags" which have no parent, thus becoming the top of our hierarchy.

Furthermore, I like Rola's importance idea. We could do this by automatically evaluating the parent/child relationships of a tag somehow, or we define a manual importance level, say 1 to 10, which should be roughly the hierarchy level, but doesn't need to be.

Comments? :)

Re: tags / categories / groups

PostPosted:23 Feb 2014, 16:48
by Sidasa
I like the idea of using tags.
For me a minimum implementation is a tag name and description plus synonyms (for real world example see stackoverflow: "database" )

The categorized implementation by Rola is really cool.
Build a nice, responsive interface and we can browse for games alone with tags.

Tags could be used for quick testing of categorize models. For example: it seems to me, that UVL uses tags (or "groups") to define Gameseries (for the Fable-Games: "fable-series" )

I can imagine that in the future someone can use the OREGAMI Core Datebase and use the Tagging-Database of his/her choice.

Re: tags / categories / groups

PostPosted:04 Mar 2014, 22:35
by MZ per X
Sidasa wrote:I like the idea of using tags.
Yeah, these tags will be powerful, and we will be able to tackle many issues with it, I suppose. :)

Re: tags / categories / groups

PostPosted:10 Jun 2014, 21:23
by MZ per X
I started to collect and organize our tag cloud. Join the fun here, if you dare. :D