Okay, let's discuss this further, as I want to implement game groups / tags next in the data model.Rola wrote:We need a flag for a tag, importance value of sorts, for simple hierarchy. Even major/minor would be enough, I'd say 1-2-3 is max.
My suggestion would be a simple tag table with title and description. Then, we should add an additional table for hierarchical relationships between tags, like "Comanche" is a child of "Helicopters", which is a child of "Aircraft". Of course, it will be possible for a tag to have more than one parent, and we would define "mother tags" which have no parent, thus becoming the top of our hierarchy.
Furthermore, I like Rola's importance idea. We could do this by automatically evaluating the parent/child relationships of a tag somehow, or we define a manual importance level, say 1 to 10, which should be roughly the hierarchy level, but doesn't need to be.