Indra, an (in)famous MobyGames alumni from Indonesia, had his wishes for a perfect games database listed on FB. Let's discuss it here.
1. A complete dictatorship given to me to create game groups or categories as I see fit, subject to democratic vote.
2. A forum where the people have a sense of humor, where I can troll perverse ideas and be racist towards Europeans.
3. A similar MG points system at most; at least a track record that indicates what I have contributed, divided into categories.
4. The ability to include practically anything about the game, if it turns into a mini wiki of sorts, then so be it.
5. A title system where the country of origin gets precedence.
6. All information presented (at least the technical ones) have a source which is publicly presented.
7. Source material, such as credit screenshots, are documented and publicly viewable.
8. Stupid lame profile achievements, which may optionally be attached to your avatar/signature/whatever. Just to piss off the people who hate achievements.
9. Html tags that work and have a helpful button so you don't have to keep typing the dang code every time when editing stuff.
10. Ability to document unreleased and/or cancelled games. Personally, I'm not interested in it, but other users have shown interest in it.
11. A more accurate genre system that does not subjugate itself to marketing or fanboi trends.
12. A way to document game trailers. Really.
13. Cooperation with other gaming websites.
1. A complete dictatorship given to me to create game groups or categories as I see fit, subject to democratic vote.
2. A forum where the people have a sense of humor, where I can troll perverse ideas and be racist towards Europeans.
3. A similar MG points system at most; at least a track record that indicates what I have contributed, divided into categories.
4. The ability to include practically anything about the game, if it turns into a mini wiki of sorts, then so be it.
5. A title system where the country of origin gets precedence.
6. All information presented (at least the technical ones) have a source which is publicly presented.
7. Source material, such as credit screenshots, are documented and publicly viewable.
8. Stupid lame profile achievements, which may optionally be attached to your avatar/signature/whatever. Just to piss off the people who hate achievements.
9. Html tags that work and have a helpful button so you don't have to keep typing the dang code every time when editing stuff.
10. Ability to document unreleased and/or cancelled games. Personally, I'm not interested in it, but other users have shown interest in it.
11. A more accurate genre system that does not subjugate itself to marketing or fanboi trends.
12. A way to document game trailers. Really.
13. Cooperation with other gaming websites.