Hi everyone,
I'm new around here and I'm trying to understand the scope of this project and how you're plannig to do it. First of all, let me tell you that I love what you're trying to accomplish and the way you're planning everything is amazing, I'm a computer engineer I think it's the right thing to do. The agile aproach is great but things like the Data Model must be clear from the beginning to try cover every corner case possible.
I've been reading the forum for a couple of days and I still have some doubts on what you're going to store in the database:
). I'll try to help bringing new ideas and when the time comes to start developing maybe I'll be able to help.
I'm new around here and I'm trying to understand the scope of this project and how you're plannig to do it. First of all, let me tell you that I love what you're trying to accomplish and the way you're planning everything is amazing, I'm a computer engineer I think it's the right thing to do. The agile aproach is great but things like the Data Model must be clear from the beginning to try cover every corner case possible.
I've been reading the forum for a couple of days and I still have some doubts on what you're going to store in the database:
- First of all, I've been looking at the test pages on the wiki (the monkey island one) and I'm not sure how you're storing the compilations. Is it a Game with a specific game type and relations to the different releases that it contains?.
- Another thing I'm curious about is what you're going to store about each game. I know that you're going to store images of different types but, are you planning this types to be like categories?. Let me explain, for example, you have screenshots or different types of covers (BTW I like your approach about the box model for the covers, with the covers stored like that you can make a 3d model of the case, right?) but, how about maps, artworks and things like that? Will they have some special place like "Extras" or "Maps" on the database or you're not going to store them?.
- Are you planning to link to external resources like reviews or guides? (for example, link to a specific entry on gamefaqs or a review from some online magazine).